Article 32 A lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged ship first docked after the disaster. 第三十二条因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。
After the delivery of the ship is finished, the maritime court shall issue an order releasing the arrest of the ship. 移交船舶完毕,海事法院发布解除扣押船舶命令。
The ship auction committee shall be responsible to the maritime court and subject to supervision of the maritime court. 拍卖船舶委员会对海事法院负责,受海事法院监督。
The specific quantity thereof shall be determined by the maritime court. 具体数额由海事法院决定。
The designation of the jurisdiction area for each maritime court shall be decided by the Supreme People's Court. 各海事法院管辖区域的划分,由最高人民法院规定。
If an interested party lodges an objection to a maritime injunction, the maritime court shall order to cancel the maritime injunction if it deems the causes are tenable through investigation. 利害关系人对海事强制令提出异议,海事法院经审查,认为理由成立的,应当裁定撤销海事强制令。
If the maritime court orders to stop the auction of the ship, expenses incurred for auctioning the ship shall be paid by the maritime claimant. 海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶的,为准备拍卖船舶所发生的费用由海事请求人承担。
The higher people's court in the locality where a maritime court is located shall have jurisdiction over appeals against the judgments and orders of the maritime court. 对海事法院的判决和裁定的上诉案件,由海事法院所在地的高级人民法院管辖。
When entertaining a dispute arising from general average that has not been adjusted, the maritime court may commission an adjustment institution to have it adjusted. 海事法院受理未经理算的共同海损纠纷,可以委托理算机构理算。
If the maritime claimant fails to bring an action or apply for arbitration according to the arbitration agreement within the time limit specified by this law, the people's court shall cancel the property reservation or return the guaranty promptly. 海事请求人在本法规定的期间内,未提起诉讼或者未按照仲裁协议申请仲裁的,海事法院应当及时解除保全或者返还担保。
The maritime court shall make a reconsideration decision within five days of receiving the reconsideration application. 海事法院应当在收到复议申请之日起五日内作出复议决定。
There is only one level of the maritime courts, which equals to the local intermediate people ′ s court. 海事法院只设一级,其建制相当于地方的中级人民法院。
The ship auction committee shall be composed of three or five persons, that is, execution officers appointed, as well as auctioneers and surveyors engaged by the maritime court. 拍卖船舶委员会由海事法院指定的本院执行人员和聘请的拍卖师、验船师三人或者五人组成。
Nor performs the decision of maritime administrative punishment, the maritime administrative agency shall apply to the peoples 'court for mandatory enforcement according to law. 又不履行海事行政处罚决定的,海事管理机构依法申请人民法院强制执行。
In Chapter Three, the author analyzes whether the seller under the FOB contract has the right to sue against the carrier and provides some suggestion to the amendment to Maritime Code of PRC in combination with the latest judgments of People's Court in China. 第三章结合我国法院近年来的不同判决,针对FOB合同下的卖方是否对承运人享有合同权利进行了充分探讨,并提出立法建议;
Research on Maritime Safety Assessment in Port TRAFFIC COURT 港口船舶交通安全评价的研究
A Study on the Authority of Maritime Court in Maritime Security 论海事担保制度中海事法院的职权
How to define the priority order of the ships mortgage if the ship was sold by the Chinese maritime court. 该船舶一旦被我国海事法院拍卖,如何确定其上的船舶抵押权的受偿顺序?
This thesis analyzes some aspects with respect to the procedures of maritime arbitration including the constitution of arbitration court, the qualification of arbitrators, ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration, the simplicity procedure, and so on. 本文对海事仲裁程序中的若干方面,包括仲裁庭的组成、仲裁员的资格、临时仲裁与机构仲裁、简易程序等作出了比较分析。
Arrest of ship, as an important procedure to solve maritime disputes, and the base for a court to exercise jurisdiction as well, is greatly concerned by the shipping and law field. 船舶扣押制度(ArrestofShip)是解决海事争议的重要程序,也是各国法院行使管辖权的基础,一直都得到国内外航运界、法律界的普遍重视。
Vessel oil pollution accident could cause great damage to our ocean environment with an increased tendency year by year, and accordingly domestic Maritime Court accepted quantities of this kind of case more than before. 船舶油污事故对我国海洋环境危害极大,且呈逐年增加之势,各地海事法院受理的此类案件亦相应日渐增多。
The Dialectical Thinking on the Relationship of Wine and Bottle ── About the Design of Xiamen Maritime Court 酒与瓶关系的辩证思维&厦门海事法院设计随感
It comes with the idea of using the successful experience of maritime court for reference, recommends establish special air court to perfect air justice system. 借鉴海事法院的成功经验,提出建立航空法院,完善航空司法体制。
When a maritime accident occurs and causes great damage, the legal responsibility subjects, including shipowner and other persons, are entitled to file an application to the maritime court for the establishment of limitation fund for maritime claims. 当发生重大海上事故造成损害时,船舶所有人等责任主体可以向海事法院申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金。
This chapter focuses on the relationship of the applying for liability limitation in accordance with law and applying to a maritime court for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims. 本章重点论述了责任人申请设立责任限制基金与主张责任限制之间的关系。
In this case, urgent questions appear on how to properly handle maritime claims and general civil claims, rightly confirm the compensation order of various claims, as well as how to coordinate the court proceedings and enforcement procedures, etc.. 此时,如何协调法院的审判程序、如何妥善处理海事债权和岸上债权,解决各类债权在受偿顺序上的矛盾等等就成为亟需解决的问题。
In order to solve these contradictions, the case about the bankruptcy of shipping company just belongs to the scope of jurisdiction of maritime court. 为解决以上矛盾,船舶企业的破产案件应由海事法院专门管辖。
On the other hand, the regulations on procedure for constitution and distribution of limitation fund still have some problems which make the maritime court more difficult to deal with such cases effectively in judicial practice. 并且《海事诉讼特别程序法》关于基金的设立和分配程序方面的规定本身仍存在问题,使得法院在司法实践中更加难以有效的处理此类案件。
Study on the status and the right and obligation of the maritime court during the auction of vessel comparing with commercial public sale and the auction of other property. 同时,通过与商业拍卖以及普通法院对一般财产的拍卖相比较,分析海事法院在强制拍卖船舶法律关系中的法律地位以及承担的相关责任、义务问题。